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The Wonder

The years 2020, 2021 and 2022 were the most terrifying heartbreaking, mysterious, and demystifying, freeing, liberating, revealing times in our lives. The world experienced collective trauma and self-discovery. The experience influenced a three-part series that demonstrated how I saw the world. The use of black signifies the death and sorrow felt by many. Red represents the unrest. Yellow is false hope; the moments when we thought the clouds were parting but more despair appeared. White is the range of happiness that we felt from 2020 to 2022. 

2020 (24x36, Acrylic on canvas, far left)

I used more black in 2020. We lost family, friends, coworkers and neighbors. I personally lost my sister to COVID-19. She was one of the first in Arkansas to lose her life to the unknown black cloud that covered our world.


2021 (24x36, acrylic on canvas, middle)

By 2021, we felt a false sense of security. We were tired of wearing masks, we were tired of staying indoors and social distancing. Online communication grew old. Many believed the pandemic was over and let go of many of the protections and recommendations put forth by government agencies and leaders. 


2022 (24x36, acrylic on canvas, far right)

In 2022, we let go and went back to normal as if nothing happened. But we were not yet healed. We didn't talk about it. We were expected to continue. But we were no longer the same. 

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